Page 31 - LDBD Magazine - Issue 23 - Apr May Jun 2018
P. 31

LDBD  in every issue ◊                                    Legal TALK

                                                 Andrea Martin

                           Protecting OUR Children and Preserving OUR Families

                                                                   Children's advocate.  She has also received many awards
                                                                   recognizing her accomplishments.

                                                                   Andrea Martin is a member of Disciple Central Commu-
                                                                   nity Church in DeSoto, Texas, where she has been a
                                                                   member of the choir and a member of the fitness minis-
                                                                   try and served as a boot camp and running instruc-
                                                                   tor.  Andrea Martin is also a member of the Delta Sigma
                                                                   Theta Sorority, Inc. and is the mother of one child, Oli-

                                                                   Andrea Martin's rallying cry is "Protecting Our Chil-
                                                                   dren!"  She is dedicated to doing what it takes to help
                                                                   ensure Dallas County's next generation has the best op-
                                                                   portunity for success! Andrea Martin has continued her
                                                                   mission to PROTECT ALL OF OUR CHILDREN by
                                                                   helping Foster Kids get jobs so that they are able to take
                                                                   care of themselves when they leave their foster homes.

                                                                   But her proudest accomplishment is her Youthful Of-
                                                                   fender Diversion Court.  She launched this Court in June
                                                                   of 2015 to Fulfill her campaign promise to KEEP OUR
          Andrea Martin is a 1996 Graduate from Our Lady of
          the Lake University and a 2000 graduate from Texas       KIDS IN THE COMMUNITY AND OUT OF CAG-
          Wesleyan University School of Law.                       ES!  This Court meets each week AFTER her regular
                                                                   court docket.   Once they graduate, these kid's cases are
          After law school, Andrea Martin took a position with the   dismissed! In two years she is Proud that her Diversion
          Dallas County District Attorney's Office and begin pros-  Court has THE BEST RESULTS OF ALL THE JUVE-
          ecuting criminal cases.  Later, Andrea Martin moved to   NILE DIVERSION COURT'S with 90 graduates and
          the Juvenile court and began representing Child Protec-  0% recidivism rate which means when kids leave her
          tive Services in child abuse and neglect cases.  In 2003,   program THEY DO NOT RETURN TO THE SYS-
          Andrea Martin left the District Attorney's Office and    TEM!
          began her own private practice in Dallas, Texas with an
          emphasis on Children and Families.                       Judge Martin has accomplished a lot since taking the
                                                                   bench and is proud to let EVERYONE  that THIS IS
          Andrea Martin has participated in many mentor pro-       JUST THE BEGINNING!
          grams and continues to be active in the community as a

          L LIVING Day By Day •Net    IVING Day By Day •Net                                             A Apr  May  Jun  2018 | 31 pr  May  Jun  2018 | 31
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