Page 8 - LDBD Magazine - Issue 23 - Apr May Jun 2018
P. 8

Miss Black Virginia

          “The moment I chose to no longer be defined by my       Miss Junior and is currently, Miss Senior at Hampton
          past and what happened to me is when I was able to      University.  Additionally, she is the 2018 Miss Black
          take God's hand and trust His path for me."“            Virginia USA.  No matter the title, Pearis’ platform
                                                                  has remained the same as she continues to create
                                                                  awareness for domestic violence and sexual assault.
                                                                  During the 2016-2017 academic year, Pearis served as
                                                                  a White House HBCU All-star and Hampton Universi-
                                                                  ty Presidential Fellow.  She is also a proud member of
                                                                  Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

                                                                          Pearis is a certified youth and empowerment
                                                                  life coach and the founder of Positively Pearis.  Posi-
                                                                  tively Pearis is a company that provides motivational
                                                                  speaking services, coaching and positively cute mer-
                                                                  chandise for those who are proud of their morals and
                                                                  embracing who they are.  For her work with women
                                                                  and children, she was invited to the White House
                                                                  Summit on the United State of Women hosted by
                                                                  Michelle Obama as a Nominated Changemaker in
                                                                          As a business owner in college, Pearis hosts an
                                                                  event series called “The Black College Business
                                                                  Woman Connection” to encourage and support entre-
                                                                  preneurship for African-American college women.
                                                                  The Black College Business Woman Connection has
                                                                  grown since the first event in December of 2016 and
                                                                  has led to the creation of several businesses owned by
                                                                  African-American college women in areas such as
                                                                  tech, nonprofits, fashion, media, art and more.   In
                                                                  2018, she is going on a college tour with the event se-
          Pearis Bellamy is a woman who has decided to use her
          personal experiences with domestic violence and sex-    ries.
          ual abuse to empower women that their life experienc-           Pearis is passionate about helping people and
          es do not have to define them.  She also works with     making an impact on the world.  Upon graduation, she
          college women to show that choosing to wait until       plans to pursue her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology.
          marriage to have sex and living a life for Christ as a   She is grateful for all the blessings God has given her
          young woman in college can be fun!                      and encourages others that their current or past cir-
                                                                  cumstances do not have to define them.
                 Pearis Bellamy is a 21 year old senior at
          Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia.  She is a      Photographs Courtesy of Kirsten White of Kirsten
          Psychology major and Leadership Studies minor.          White Photography
          Pearis has served as Miss Freshman, Miss Sophomore,

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