Page 10 - LDBD Magazine - Issue 23 - Apr May Jun 2018
P. 10

Who is Alicia Rhodes?

                                                                  Alicia realized she was no longer financially or
                                                                 environmentally stable to provide for herself or
                                                                 her unborn child at that time. Alicia felt like the
                                                                 world was on her shoulders and like she was a
                                                                 complete failure with no high school diploma, a
                                                                 fail relationship with her boyfriend, no job and
                                                                 barely a place to live. Alicia made the decision
                                                                 to start over move back to Alabama and  live
                                                                 with her mother and try to regain her life back
                                                                 into a place of positivity. Through all the heart-
                                                                 aches and hardship Alicia has learned that
                                                                 "Once you find your true self and your true own
                                                                 identity nothing is impossible and always trust
                                                                 God and believe he can and will do exceedingly
                                                                 and abundantly things".

                                                                 Alicia went back took the test that she felt de-
                                                                 toured her life and held her captive past the sci-
                                                                 ence subject on the Alabama graduation exam
          Raised in a military southern home, Alicia             that was needed to receive her high school di-
          started life with lots of high hopes goals, mor-       ploma. Alicia even went on to college in the
          als, respect and the love for God. Alicia had her      pursuit of her bachelor's degree in Communi-
          sights on landing a recording contract after           cations as well have a great job in her home
          high school but soon found out the life of fame        state Alabama.
          is not always what you see on TV and life can          Alicia also started motivational and inspira-
          sometimes through a curve ball.
                                                                 tional speaking and mentoring others to stay
          At the tender age of 17 years old Alicia experi-       empowered, fearless conquer and achieve their
          enced her first disappoint when she was not            goals and no matter what keep moving onward
          allowed to graduate with her high school class         to forward. Alicia now has two sons that are the
          of 2002. Alicia didn't complete a Statewide            love of her life and very ambitious. Alicia lives
          mandatory graduation test in Alabama called            her life on motivating and inspiring people be-
          the Alabama Graduation Exam. Alicia lacked             cause she knows what it's like to fall but having
          passing the Science subject and because of this        the strength to get back up and try again.
          she was not able to graduate. It was a very dev-       Alicia always reminds people that if you
          astating time in Alicia's life at that time and for    THINK IT! BELIEVE IT! SPEAK IT! & you
          over a decade Alicia allowed the hurt, disap-          shall RECEIVE IT! and no matter what keep
          pointment and embarrassment of not receiving           moving forward. #ONWARD2FORWARD
          her high school diploma to detour her life in an
          uproar Sparrow. Alicia still moved to Atlanta
          Georgia with hopes of landing a recording con-
          tract but after 6 years of being in Atlanta.

         10 |  Apr May Jun 2018                                                                        LIVING Day By Day •Net
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