Page 14 - Newsbites March 2019
P. 14

  Planet Update The Planet Team is currently reviewing 2018 usage statistics for water, waste and energy so they can finalise KPIs for 2019. Phase 2 of ESOS is also being finalised for 2019 to establish energy saving initiatives across our Manufacturing and Office sites. The team will provide updates on performance against these areas throughout the year. The team is also compiling case studies to demonstrate how Group sites, Divisions and brands are focusing on and making a positive difference to their environments. The team will share these ‘best practice’ case studies in the Group newsletter, Inform, and on the Planet section of the new Larder when it goes live in April, so watch this space! If you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve our workplace and make it more environmentally friendly, we would love to hear from you. Share your ideas through the Group Idea Lab Scheme. The Planet team review all environmental suggestions and work to implement them.                                                    Planet      14  

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