Page 17 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 17


                                   THE  MASTER CANE

                                                                                   Photos By: Henry Binerfa

                                                               Never picked on or Bullied again.
             “10,000 people a day are                          In 1970 I started training in the Chuck Norris

             turning 65,  and it is                            System of Tang Soo Do, Grand Master Shuey
                                                               received his 1st degree Black Belt in 1978
             happening for the next 14                         under Master Harold Gross, Master Dennis
                                                               Itchakawa and Master Neil Citron, and star-
             years, in about 7 years one                       ted teaching the martial arts in 1979. In
                                                               September of 1999 he was promoted to
             third of the population will be                   7th degree by the USMA and ICHF.

             over 65,  the Cane                                Mark has degrees in Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon
                                                               Do, and Hapkido. He has a Master’s

             is coming,  the                                                    Certification with USNKA (Uni-

             Martial Arts                                                        ted States National Karate
                                                                                  Assoc.),  ATAMA (Ameri-
             market is                                                            can Teacher’s Assoc. of the
                                                                                  Martial Arts), USMA
                                                                                    (United States
             going to change ”

             When did you start Martial Art  and in
             which style?

             I was about 11 years old,  and
             being bullied, a kid about a head
             taller than me, hit me,  I went down,
             a few kids where laughing at me ,                                              Martial Arts
             and I told myself this would                                                   Association),    as
             Never happen again.                                                            well as the Inde-
                                                                                            pendent  Karate
             My best friends Dad was  a Golden                                              School Associa-
             gloves fighter and I started boxing,                                           tion.  Mark  is  also
             and my Dad got me into Judo,  a I was                                          the Head of Cane
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