Page 13 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 13

Gregor Huss:                     Cynthia Rothrock:                 adventure through you and your
             Well, I think we can manage to   I will start shooting Showdown  pictures on social networks f.e.
             go to the historical scene at the   in Manilla next week. I am     facebook.
             Mirabel Castle in Salzburg which   really looking forward to work
             is not too far from Innsbruck.   with Mark Dacascos We have a      And why your fans in Germany
             And maybe we can take the first   great cast and it will be very ac-  and Europe love you, want to see
             ten readers of martial science   tion packed. I will be working    more and more of you. You are
             magazine  participants with us   with lot of my friends which      one thru Legend of the Martial
             as an reward and make this a     always makes it a lot of fun.     Arts and in Martial Arts Movies
             unforgettable time for them,  if   Films that I hope to shoot this   and I am very happy to have you
             they book Innsbruck Event before   year is The Peculiar Perils of   as the Star for the Munich Hall
             April 15th. Yes indeed we want to  Penelope Peacock, Blood Raid    of Honours and for the Innsbruck
             have another unique flair to this   and The Martial Art Kid 2. The   Hall of Honours. Hope to work
             event and therefore we have some  first one will be coming soon.   with you for many more years to
             great austrian martial artist,                                     come. See you soon in Munich .
             Legends and Grandmaster on       Gregor Huss:
             board like Grandmaster Erhard                                      Cynthia Rothrock:
             Kellner from St.Pölten, which you  I am sure this sounds fantastic to   Thank you so much I am bles-
             know already for a long time, one  all your fans all over the world.   sed to have great friends like
             of the Karate Legends in Austria.   We all looking forward to see you   you. I am truly honored every
             Grandmaster Perry Zmugg from     starring in these films. It seems   time to be part of the Munich
             Graz, an extremely well known    you are always travelling all over   Hall of Honors and the upco-
             Kung Fu and Hapkido Expert       the world, doing the most exiting   ming one in Innsbruck.
             and from Innsbruck itself Master   things like climbing in the
             Ado Dulas, a self defense expert   Himalya or touring Island or    Gregor Huss:
             from Tyrol.                      the Dschungels of Southamerica,   Thank you for this little interview,
                                              what are your plans in this field   which we did via facebook chat
             You have met them before many    in the near future?               and and have a safe flight and
             times and I am sure you will be                                    great time in Manila with Marc
             happy to have them with us in    Cynthia Rothrock:                 Dacascos and the crew.
             this event, together with Wing   In May I will be doing a cha-
             Chun Legend Samuel Kwok and      llenging adventure trip in
             the UK Stars Emma Elmes, Zara    Ecuador and the Galapogos.                    Master Gregor Huss,
             Phythian and Silvio Simac.       Trekking, canyon swinging,                              Germany.
                                              kayaking, biking, repelling and
             Cynthia Rothrock:                whatever crazy stuff I can do.
             The best of the best.
                                              Gregor Huss:
             Gregor Huss:                     Wow, that sounds very exciting
             Speaking of the best of the best,   and like a great adventure to me.
             besides the Munich Hall of       I think this is one of the reasons
             Honours in April and the Inns-   besides your film career, why your
             bruck Hall of Honours in June,   millions of fans love and admire
             you have been doing and will be   you over all these years, because
             doing a few new Action Movies.   you do all these fantastic things
             What are your plans in this field   and let them be part of it in a
             in 2015 and beyond?              humble way and experience these

                                                                                    APRIL/2015      13
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