Page 10 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 10
Masters, Grandmaster and Legends This Event will be at the number one
from Europe. venue in Innsbruck, the Messe Forum,
directly in the center, near the main
But Master Gregor Huss has decidet Railroad Station with a capacity of up
to overshadow and challenge all other to 3000 Participants in the next few
events in Europe with his INNSBRUCK years, another great caterer that promi-
HALL OF HONOURS 2015, that will se haute cusine as far a food and many
take place in another one of the most new and fantastic shows.
beautiful places centrally located in Eu-
rope, the jewel of Tyrol, INNSBRUCK, Star of this event is the only Cynthia
Austria. Rothrock, accompanied by the Emma
Elmes, Zara Phythian, Silvio Simac,
With a totally new concept of a Sport Agata Dowding, Anqi Nimbach, World-
Event he promised to make Innsbruck champion Benno Stangl and many local
within a few years to one of the leading celebrities from Austria.
Martial Arts Sports Awards Event in
Europe. And the Best of te Best in the There will be more than 40 Seminars
martial arts have allready given him his with the best Martial Arts Grandmaster
support with this project. und Experts from all over the world du-
ring the day on as many a five tatamis.
The participation for
Grandmaster and Masters
will be completely free under
circumstances and the event
itself affortable for all ages and
Anyone who wants to be part of this promising Martial Arts extravaganza should book soon, before it is sold out
also. For overseas guest there will be packages available including accomodations and transfers from AP Munich on
See you all in Munich and/or in Innsbruck!