Page 6 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 6

Action Martial Arts

                                              At the event  of Grand Master Alan   Henk Geret (3 Days of the Condor
                                              Goldberg traveled Bernd Hoehle    starring Robert Redford , Car 54 )
                                              - Headmaster of the Martial Arts   Playmade Bai Ling ( the Crow, Red
                                              Association - International, This  is    Corner , taxi 3 , Star Wars) , Silvio
                                              the fourth time in the Action Martial   Simac ( Man of Tai Chi , Transpor-
                                              Arts Weekend in Atlantic City /   ter ) , entertainer and comedian Joe
                                                                                Piscopo and martial arts variables
                                                                                such as Don Wilson, Cynthia Ro-
                                              In this multi-day event at the Tro-  throck , Eric Lee, UFC World Cham-
                                              picana Casino Resort a variety of   pion Orlando Rivera, Grand Tuhon
                                              seminars, championships, a Martial   Leo Gaje , Professional Box World
                                              Arts Expo and the Martial Arts Hall   champion Ray Mercer, Samuel Kwok
                                              of Honor Gala took place. Reputed   and many others gave themselves the
                                              companies will present their pro-  honor .
                                              ducts and concepts in the field of
                                              martial arts and many stars from   The President of the International
                                              the action movie and martial arts   Sports Hall of Fame Dr. Robert
                                              scene were there. At Cheese and   Goldman was there too.
                                              Wine Party on the first day there   The climax is like every year the
                                              was for invited guests a meet and   great Hall of Honor Banquet at
                                              greet with the martial arts and ac-  the 1200 guests at a ceremony get
                                              tion movie star. In party atmosphere   together and deserved honor martial
                                              with a lot of press and camera pre-  artist. Thus, among others, Grand-
                                              sence there meet friends and Stars.   master Bernd Hoehle previously
                                              Movie stars like Hiroyuki Tagawa (   nominated by the prestigious awards
                                              Mortal Combat, Tekken , 47 Ronin ,   Comittee honored with a presti-
                                              Hachiko , Pearl Harbor , etc. ) , Mi-  gious award. The nomination was
                                              chel J. White ( Blood & Bone , Bad   pronounced for the established the
                                              Man and universal Soldier ), Martin   “martial artist with a heart” initia-
                                              Gove ( Karate Kid , Rambo III ) , TJ   tive in the martial arts scene. With
                                              Storm ( Resident Evil , Avatar , Star   gratitude and pride, the German
                                              Trek and mortal Combat ) , Fred   martial artist participated in the
                                              Williamson  (Inglorious Bastards ,   ceremony.
                                              MASH , Children of the Corn , Night
                                              Rider , etc), Mel Nowak (Bruce Lee              GM. Bernd Hoehle,
                                              Game of Death ) , Sasha Mitchell (                       Germany.
                                              Kickboxer 2 and 3) Phill Moris (Star
                                              Trek , Mission Impossible ),

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