Page 4 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 4

Deadly Angam Fighting Styles

                                    PUBLISHER´S MESSAGE

                                        “GOLDEN MARTIAL
                                         SCIENCE EDITION
                                       This  new  book  brings
                                       together the best publi-
               Hello friends of Mar-   cations of our magazine
               tial Science Magazine   in 2014, plus new exclu-
               on this new issue we    sive items for this spe-
               are proud to present to   cial edition of 268 pages
               GM. Mark Shuey a for-   in full color full of infor-
               midable martial arts    mation about the diffe-
               man with an admirable   rent  styles  and  systems   GM. Mark Shuey, The Cane Master
               legacy. Specialist in the   of martial arts. Where
               use of the Cane, either   traditional and modern
               focused on self-defense   styles come together, be-
               or used as a proven me-  ing the meeting point
               thod of physical impro-  of  the  most  respected
               vement. We also present   masters of martial arts
               the ancient art of sri   worldwide  in  its  pages
               lanka angam, an an-     you will find life stories,
               cient traditional mar-  experiences,   methods
               tial art, whose methods   and secrets of the arts of
               and techniques are little   combat.
               known, of exotic move-
               ments in sight but effec-  I invite you to visit
               tive in practice.       www.cienciamarcial.
                                       com where you can buy
               As a final note i will   Golden Edition 2014
               talk about the new book   Martial Science Maga-
               MARTIAL  SCIENCE        zine.                      GM. Bernd Hoehle enjoying the Gold Edition
               PUBLICATIONS:                                      Martial Science Magazine.

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