Page 9 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 9
From Germany there will be Mar- TV Shows, the „Katana Extreme Promises to be a very interesting,
tial Arts Legends like Soke Heinz Team“ from Madrid Spain with Pa- exciting and diverting evening.
Köhnen, GM Bernd Höhle, Master blo Camacho and Gema Fernandez Off course there will be lots of great
Andreè Kielholtz, Grandmaster Sifu Rodriquez, the Muay Thai Perfor- food served by Tony Eckl’s Wald-
Serge Seguin, Kyoshi Erwin Pfeiffer mance from Italy with GM Hassan heim Crew at variouse buffets and
and Master Markus Schinhammer Yaakoubd and his students, the Self breaks in between filled with awards
to name only a few. presentations and some words of the
promoter and selected celebraties of
Great Shows and the evening.
the 2015 event Munich Hall of Honours
again Awards Presentation on
April 18, 2015 will be
The Munich Hall another events that
of Honours is definatly writes
famous for european martial
its fantastic arts history for the
entertainment eight time.
block which
differs this But the Munich
event from a Hall of Honours
pure awards is not the only
presentation important event
as we know in Europe. There is
it from other a few Hall of Fames
occations. The that are worth to look
founder and pro- in it. Especially a few
moter of the Munich new ones, that seem to be
Hall of Honours Mas- very promising.
ter Gregor Huss planned The Swiss Hall of Honours,
these shows from the very initiated and run by two Komi-
beginning to be a important part tee members of the Munich Hall of
of the evening. Honours and supported from Swiss
Sifu Serge Seguins award winning Defense Germany Taekwon Do Grandmaster Juerg Ziegler was from
Lions Dance Group will open the Team, GM Samuel Kwok and his the start last September a well atten-
event and in two seperate show part Chi Sau Demonstration and the ded event and the Romanian Hall
there will performances in variouse Lan Long Taiji Show Team. of Honours, initiated by GM Teodor
martial arts: The GM Teo Raduts Especially to mention is 2015 again Radut will take place in May 2015
Karate Team from Romania, the the performance of internationally for the first time. Another tip for a
Wushu Team from Munich, Sifu well known flutist Raphaelle Zane- fantastic event is Portugals 5th Lis-
Christian Kronmüller`s Shaolin Per- boni from Grenoble, France. bon Hall of Fame, by Master Vitor
formance, best known from many Lagarto featuring many famous
APRIL/2015 9