Page 59 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 59

However, the second reason is even more im-
                                                               portant. These big movements teach you to carry
                                                               through on your strikes. A friend of mine, Paul
                                                               Ingram of the Kali Center, often says “under
                                                               pressure you will perform at your lowest level of
                                                               training.” I have seen really good fighters begin to
                                                               choke under stress and begin to pull their pun-
                                                               ches. Once this happens that fighter is no longer
                                                               committed to the attack and they get picked apart.

                                                               Lohan Kung Fu gets fighters to always commit to
                                                               their attacks. When Lohan fighters fall back on
                                                               their training they are always active and always
                                                               striking. Some of the striking might look wild but

              Takedowns on triangles. Sifu Wayne gave me a     techniques are sound and aggression has its own
                         great lesson on balance.              value. Roy Nelson, a Kung Fu practitioner, uses
                                                               these techniques all the time to lay fighters out in
             WHAT DID I LEARN?: Lohan Kung Fu is charac-       the UFC. Similar techniques always give him a
             terised by large swing hands. Their big movements   “puncher’s chance” and he seems to chance on
             are designed to help a fighter generate the maxi-  luck a lot. After all, a good defense is a strong
             mum amount of power possible. There are several   offense.
             very good reasons to train like this. First, you can
             offset relative strength. There will always be stron-
             ger fighters and you may require additional power
             to win the fight. In the Lohan system you use body
             mechanics to build that additional power which
             can give a “weaker” fighter a strength advantage
             over a much “stronger” opponent.

              Lohan fighters training with weights to develop

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