Page 63 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 63


                                                The first time I opened the doors of a Dojo was in 1984 when
                                                I was 10 years old. I started training in Shotokan Karate and
                                                when I turned 17, I became a black belt. I also trained a little
                                                in Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu (Wu Shu), and Full Contact. In the
                                                discipline of Full Contact, I had two great teachers: André
                                                Tavernier and William Delval in Brussels, Belgium.

                                                William Delval was Claude Goetz assistant professor Jean -
                                                Claude Van Damme.

Then later I started learning Nunchaku,
                                                thanks to my admiration of Bruce Lee and his films! I prac-
                                                ticed this discipline with a global professional, Kim Silver. I
                                                was the winner of the European Cup Artistic Nunchaku. 1994
                                                and 2000.

                                                WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO TRY YOUR LUCK IN THE
                                                FILM INDUSTRY IN AMERICA?

                                                Since I was a kid, I dreamt of being in films. Nearly all of my
                                                favorite action films were American. Also a lot of big stars in
                                                martial arts are American such as Chuck Norris, Bill Wallace,
                                                and Joe Lewis. I love the United States because people are
                                                very open. I made a lot of appearances in various film projects
                                                in France and Belgium, but from my experience, I see that the-
                                                re are more opportunities in the US.

                                                DID YOU EVER HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO MEET
                                                AND WORK WITH SOME GREAT PEOPLE IN MAR-
                                                TIAL ARTS WHILE IN NORTH AMERICA?

                                                Yes, I was able to meet some great people when I was at Dra-
                                                gonfest in Burbank, CA. I was also lucky enough to train with
                                                Grand Master Billy Blanks in Los Angeles and Master Todd at
                                                American Kempo Karate in San Diego.

                                                HOW ABOUT IN EUROPE?

                                                In Europe, I had the chance to do a seminar with Scott Adkins
                                                in London. It was a really great experience. He’s very open
                                                and humble.

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