Page 66 - Martial Science Magazine Apr/2015 #8
P. 66
WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR TRAINING re are also many others, but the list is too long
to name all of them.
I do a lot of stretching. Flexibility is very HOW LONG DO YOU SUPPOSE IT
important in martial arts. When training with WOULD TAKE TO BECOME AN EXPERT
Nunchaku, I do a lot of artistic Kata figures.
It all depends on the practitioner. Generally
WHO ELSE WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE with 2 years of practice, there’s a good chance
THE OPPORTUNITY TO TRAIN WITH? that someone can be at a decent level. I will
say though, that it will take at least 5 years to
Michael Jai White is one. I like his style. The- have full control of the weapon.