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                                                     THE YEAR OF THE DOG 2018!!!

                                                     CHINESE NEW YEAR 2018 (CNY 2018) BEGINS ON
                                                     FEBRUARY 16, 2018. IN 2018. LIFE’S TIMING

                                                     2018 is a Year of the Dog. In Chinese astrology, each year is
                                                     related to a Chinese zodiac animal according to the 12-year
                          By Henry Binerfa           cycle. 2018 is an Earth Dog Year.
                           Martial Science
                         Magazine Director
                                                     Years of the Dog include 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994,
                                                     2006, 2018, and 2030... The Dog occupies the eleventh position
                                                     in the Chinese zodiac, after the Rooster, and before the Pig.
              “...2018 is a Year of the Dog.

                In Chinese astrology, each           The Dog is the eleventh of all zodiac animals. According to one
                                                     myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the
               year is related to a Chinese          order in which they arrived to his party. Monkey, Rooster and

               zodiac animal according to            Dog were in another country, helping a god defeat evil spirits.

             the 12-year cycle. 2018 is an           After, they set off to the party together. Because they arrived at
                                                     the same time, the Jade Emperor went by the order they met
                          Earth Dog Yea...”          the god in the other country. Thus, Dog became eleventh.

                                                     The Dog is also associated with the Earthly Branch (地支—dì
                                                     zhī) xū (戌), and the hours 7–9 in the evening. In the terms of
                                                     yin and yang (阴阳—yīn yáng), the Dog is yang.

                      Martial Science Magazine, Volume 25, ISBN-13: 978-1985206717, ISBN-10: 1985206714,  is Published Bi-monthly,
                     (February, April, June, August, October, and December) by Martial Science Publications LLC., Phone: (702)439-9071
                          Website: - Email: All rights reserved.

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