Page 7 - Martial Science Magazine February 2018 dig
P. 7

In China, it is still popular to name
             dogs Wàng Cái (旺财). It means “pros-
             perous wealth” and comes from dogs’

             barking sounds (旺旺—wàng wàng).

                LUCKY SIGNS FOR PEOPLE
                   BORN IN DOG YEAR:

                     LUCKY NUMBERS:
                            3, 4, 9

                      LUCKY COLORS:
                   green, red, purple

                      LUCKY FLOWERS:
                     rose, oncidium,
                   cymbidium orchids

                    LUCKY DIRECTIONS:
                east, southeast, south

                     Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO
                    Martial Science Publications, LLC

                                                                                            FEBRUARY/2017     7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12