Page 156 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 156


              Making the apparently

                                                      IMPOSSIBLE – POSSIBLE

                                                                         MASTER GREGOR J HUSS

                                                               Therefore, the organic health also improves strictly
                                                               and extensively.

                                                               One of the columns in the Traditional Taekwon
                                                               Do is called form (pattern) or also HYONG. Who
                                                               carries out a form fights in this with exactly pres-
                                                               cribed defence and counter movements one or se-
                                                               veral fictive attackers always with the same expiry.
                                                               He concentrates with his Hyong completely upon
                                                               the fiction: with all his strength and prescribed te-
                                                               chnology he repulses imaginary opponents, makes
                                                               way to them and carries out counterattacks. The se-
             More than 100 000 people of all ages in Germany  quence of the agreed movements and technologies
             pursue actively Traditional Taekwon Do. This is  shows agility, quickness and strength – but also the
             more than 100,000 yeses for an assertion which  aesthetics of the Traditional Taekwon Do
             doctors, sports teachers and other experts over and
             over again put up: Traditional Taekwon Do has  Decisively, however, it is: The students are put every
             brought it in the ast 50 years to an extremely high  single day before new, seemingly impossible  tasks
             value in the martial arts.                        for whose coping by diligence and perseverance
                                                               are absolutely possible, nevertheless. The borders
             Energy and elegance of the movements is one, op-  of  own  ability  are  further  shifted  constantly.  The
             tical side. However, behind it is hidden even more:  feeling „I have accomplished it“ is selfconfirming
             Selfdiciplin, a critical dialogue with your own body,  terrifically.
             the right respiration, steadily increasing skill and
             quick strength, but also a noticeably growing per-  Traditional Taekwon Do brings not only physical
             severance.                                        fitness.  About  solving  physical  obstacles,  restric-
                                                               tions and inhibitions the psyche also wins. Mental
             It is no surprise that Traditional Taekwon Do has  relaxation and joy of life completely appear from
             become the confidential tip especially for youngs- besides.
             ters and adults which want to learn a martial art?
             The engine for the astonishing effects on the body  All through the single exercises and technologies
             is special gymnastics which aim at a perfect mobi-  of the Taekwon Do caused achievements and de-
             lity and already works after a short time.        velopments – which are, after all, the lone sense
                                                               and the purpose of the DO – it is not grasped by
             One-sideness, like often to other sports is own is  most students at the beginning. They see only the
             consciously avoided in the training of the Traditio- external frame, in the surface lying ones: The use as
             nal Taekwondo.                                    a self-defence possibly. Or the physical and sporty

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