Page 157 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 157
skill. Only in the course of the time appear in the was very hard and, compared to todays trainings methods,
consciousness of the students notions around the very dull but it was also fun, even you couldn`t say because
internal connections. With words affecting each in the eyes of the teachers it was not supposed to be fun but
a serious matter.
other of body and DO cannot be really explained.
It must be experienced. After his time in the military and many years on business and
travelling in foreign countries all over the world, where he
trained under many different teachers in variouse styles, de-
pending on what was offered at the particular place he was
living at the time, he returned to Germany and took up his
training under Master Michael Maerkl and the KWON JAE
Training methodes had changed quit a bit and it was still hard
training but with a large variety of techniques and tasks.
In 1997 he had the chance to meet an excellent martial artist
and Taekwondo Master in Florida by the name of Joe Sch-
neeweiss who introduced him to the modern self defense sys-
tem Combat Hapkido and to Grandmaster John Pellegrini.
Shorty after he joined the ICHF and started to learn and teach
this modern, realistic,and effective self defense system.
In 1996 he had started to run a Taekwon Do school in Ku-
fsein, Austria for his teacher and friend Michael Märkl
(+2007) and in 1999 he started his own Taekwon Do school
in Landsberg am Lech, Germany. Then he opened 2000 in
Munich and founded the Self Defense Germany Federation.
Starting in 2003 he devoloped parallel to Taekwon Do and
Combat Hapkido his own Self Defense System „Fight Back
Defense Programm“. Today, there is some 12 different branch
schools in his federation, nationaly and internationally, in va-
riouse styles offered.
Master Gregor Huss had been inducted into the Action Ma-
gazin Martial Arts Hall of Fame in Atlanta in 2007 and into
the Black Balt International Hall of Fame in Bradford, UK in
2008 and 2009., The World Martial Arts Hall of Fame „Ha-
pkido Master of the Year“ 2013 and „Taekwondo Master of
the Year“ in 2014, Romanian Hall of Fame and Suisse Hall of
Honours as „Pioneer of the Martial Arst“.
Master Gregor J Huss is internationaly well known and res-
MASTER GREGOR J HUSS pected and booked for his unique seminars in Taekwon Do
as well as Combat Hapkido and his FIGHT BACK DEFENSE
6th Dan Taekwon Do SYSTEM.
5th Dan Combat Hapkido
Founder Fight Back Defense Programm Often he also invites Masters and Grandmasters to hold se-
Director Self Defense Germany Federation, Reg Director minars in different styles to his schools in Germany, to give
ICHF Germany his students the chance to train with others and expand their
Military Combative Instructor MCA, married, 4 children knowledge.
When Gregor Huss started in Taekwon Do under Legend In 2008 he founded the prestigeous „Munich Hall of Ho-
KWON, JAE HWA in 1967 Taekwondo was very rarely nours“ the so called european oscar for the martial arts and
known in Germany and a hand full of korean masters had just in 2015 he continued the success with the austrian version
arrived two years before to spread the art in Europe. Training „Innsbruck Hall of Honours“.