Page 176 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 176
not only famous for the outstanding se-
Tminars with top instructors of the whole
world, its spectacular shows and the fantastic
food, the most beautifull woman in the martial
arts and the familystyle atmosphere but also
for one more thing.
The many things to do before and after the
Munich itself is one of the most popular cities
in the world. It is beautifull in all four seasons
and its charm is undoubted.
„When I started the Munich Hall of Honours,
Alan Goldbergs Action Martial Arts Hall of Ho-
nour at the Tropicana in Atlantic City was my
event model. But also I new the event cop-
ying would not be enough in first place and
second it was also not my style. I had to set my
own graduations, but it was not easy then. „
Nobody in Germany and Europe knew of such Easy to reach from everywhere with a large
event before, at least not in the martial arts, amount of accomodations in all prize ranges
and therefore I had to start to interest people for every wallet.
in it first. But I knew that I wanted to have not
only a german but an international event. „And all this I made available to my guests from
everywhere. As a host I showed my guests
But like Alan Goldberg I had one of the best arround in Munich, took them to the castles,
locations in the world, I had my hometown, the the Hofbräuhaus, the museums and art galle-
beautiful City of Munich, the capitol of proba- ries, the beautiful countrysite as far as Castle
bly one of the most popular states: Bavaria! Neu Schwanstein, Castle Linderhof and even
And people want to come and visit Munich not into Austria and Switzerland, after and before
only from distant countries but also from all the event.
parts of Germany.