Page 181 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 181


             openings come from the clever use of angles.
             Both arts have very crafty methods of going
             from a longer range to a closer distance from
             which the elbow or knees can be used. Wing
             Chun is known for being at it’s most effecti-
             ve when the practitioner is close enough to
             make  contact  with  the  opponent,  “stick”  to
             their techniques and make counterattacking
             or escaping very difficult. Simultaneous attack
             and defense is a core principle of Wing Chun.
             At close quarters, Muay Thai has its famous
             clinch in  which the elbows  and knees come
             into play. Muay Thai is also superb in changing
             the distance to its advantage, from long range
             to short and then exiting to a longer range to
             suit the fighter’s intention.

             Have a look at the following fight sequences
             demonstrated by Master Kwok and Master
             Airr and enjoy the techniques that Wing Chun
             and Muay Thai have in common and the diffe-
             rent and unique ways both arts employ them.            ABOUT THE AUTHOR
             Both masters talk regularly exchanging ideas
             so there will be more to come.                         Master Philip Nearing brings over 30 years of teaching
                                                                    and training Ip Man’s Wing Chun to your daily classes
                                                                    at the Philip Nearing School of Wing Chun. He began
                                                                    his study of this art in 1983 at Chicago’s first Wing Chun
                                                                    School with Steve Lee Swift and has trained on a daily
                                                                    basis ever since. He opened his own school in 1989 and
                                                                    has established a reputation for quality and professiona-
                                                                    lism that marks it as one of the premier academies in the
                                                                    country in which to learn Ip Man’s Wing Chun.

                                                                    Master  Nearing  has  been  a  student  of  Grandmaster
                                                                    Samuel Kwok since 1994 and is his senior student in
                                                                    the United States. Grandmaster Kwok is a direct student
                                                                    of both Ip Chun and Ip Ching, the two sons of Ip Man
                                                                    and is perhaps the World’s leading authority on Ip Man
                                                                    Wing Chun.

                                                                    As a senior student of Grandmaster Kwok, Master
                                                                    Nearing has accompanied his teacher in his travels to
                                                                    Hong Kong and China and had the opportunity to train
                                                                    with his teacher’s teachers, Ip Chun and Ip Ching. He
                                                                    has also traveled far and wide to train and teach Wing
                                                                    Chun, from England to South Africa and throughout
                                                                    the United States. Master Nearing has also been the
                                                                    recipient of many honours, among them demonstrat-
                                                                    ing Chi Sao with Grandmaster Kwok at the First World
                                                                    Ving Tsun Conference in 1999 and performing the Six
                                                                    and a Half Point Pole Form at the opening of The Ip
                                                                    Man Tong in Ip Man’s hometown of Fatsan.

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