Page 191 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 191

WHAT MOTIVATED YOU TO LEARN                       wanted to go to Shaolin Temple to study martial
             MARTIAL ARTS?                                     arts and literature.  And then a vision came to my
                                                               mind, Temple and later Wing Chun.
             Childhood’s Dream:
                                                                So I came up with Wing Chun Temple, and my Sifu
             I started my interest in Martial Arts since I was 6   was impressed.
             years of age after I accidentally got into the theatre
             by myself and saw Master Ti Lung’s film.          So I made up my mind about WING CHUN TEM-
             From that point, my life was never be the same,   PLE School’s Mission and Vision:
             and my quest for an understanding of Martial Arts
             was an everlasting.  My childhood dream was to    WING CHUN TEMPLE is not just another martial
             go and live in Shaolin Temple and study Gung Fu   arts school, nor just another Wing Chun Kwoon;
             and literature.  That was all I could think of during   it’s an ALL inclusive Martial Arts School by com-
             my childhood.                                     bing the old way of learning into the modern world
                                                               that we’re living in.  When one learns at WING
             I was inspired by Master Ti Lung and later by Mas-  CHUN TEMPLE, she or he will be a well-rounded
             ter Bruce Lee, so Wing Chun Gung Fu was always    martial artist by receiving martial arts skills and
             my goal.  But there was not any Wing Chun Gung    also martial arts academics as well such as lear-
             Fu school around where I lived.  So I started to   ning Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism with
             study  American Kenpo Karate and Kickboxing       other Eastern and Western philosophy studies.
             with  Sensei  Paul  Hock’s  school,  which  very  clo-
             sed to my house.  And later I met Sensei Thomas
             Martin, and I asked a permission from Sensei Paul
             Hock to study under Sensei Thomas Martin.  And
             of course, Sensei Paul Hock granted my wish be-
             cause Sensei Thomas Martin was also an Instruc-
             tor at his school too.  Afterward, my journey was
             not ended; I continue to take Tae Kwon Do, Tai
             Chi and other martial arts styles.  But my heart
             was always for Wing Chun Gung Fu.  So one day,
             I accidentally found out from my Gung Fu brother
             that he found a Wing Chun School in OC County,
             and I told him that I was interested to check out
             and enroll it.  Because Wing Chun schools were
             not many and my dream finally came true.  So I
             signed up and studied Wing Chun Gung Fu since
             then until now.

             I’ve been doing Martial Arts most of my life, and
             I got to the point that it was more internal unders-
             tanding when I am more mature.  So my Sifu told
             me that I was ready to pass on the art.  So I was
             granted to be a Sifu level.  But I am still constantly
             learning all the time.

             And then I had to come up with the school name,
             so I was thinking that when I was a child I always

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