Page 195 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 195
1. Instead of using Strength and Power,
Wing Chun uses Soft and Relaxation to over power
the opponent. Another words, instead of using
hatred toward others, Wing Chun will show Love,
Patience and Grace toward others. Wing Chun is
almost like Christ like Ideology and Teaching…
2. As you can observe, most people believe
they are doing Wing Chun, but actually they will
never understand the Core and the Power of Wing
Chun unless they get into their spiritual realm. For
this, practitioners must have Patience and Faith of
themselves and the system. This is the hardest part
of becoming a Wing Chun practitioners; however,
if one doesn’t give up and stay long enough, the
art will appear when the time is right. And once
you reach that, the whole new world will be upon
you like nothing before. It’s almost when the Holy
Spirit comes to you and you can see endless possi-
3. Wing Chun is a very Personal Martial
Arts, whereas other martial arts may just copy al-
most exactly what she or he was taught, but not
Wing Chun. Wing Chun may have the same foun-
dation, fundamental, concepts and principles;
however, each and every practitioner is different
on how she or he sees it, especially Chi Sao. Chi
Sao exercise is like a fingerprint, which everyone
has a mark. This is why Wing Chun is so much po-
litics and disagreements among practitioners and
some organizations; however, the “ART” always
wins. The ART always wins because the ART is
pure and Universal energy which based purely on
science or the Universal Way (TAO). For example,
we can say that if anyone throws the apple to the
air, the apple surely will fall back to the ground,
and we can prove it every single time. Therefo-
re, the art of Wing Chun is belong to the Universe
or GOD, HIMSELF. Any way I can go on and on
about this but we’ll save it for another time.
In term of Martial Arts and its Spiritual Teachings
or Aspects, I can say, most and it should be ALL,
first it starts with Physical, then The Mind(I call it,
Wisdom), and Spirituality. These are the process
everyone should be aware of, not just physical de