Page 210 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 210
Spain and Master Vitor Lagarto
from Portugal to name a few.
Those that where here for the se-
cond and third time shared their
knowledge with the many stu-
dents and participants at this day
and in some cases allready had
their fan group that been asking
for them during the year.
The list of Instructors of this
day: From Switzerland „Hapki-
do Queen“ Master Sändy Fabian,
„Swordmaster“ Stephan Krell-
mann and Master Dragan Pa-
vkovic from YungSon Akademie
Baar, from Germany Kyosi Erwin
Pfeiffer from Ulm, Master Jürgen
Köhler, Master Peer Kaufmann,
Master Gregor J. Huss, from Ire-
land Master Richard Dawson,
Master Martin Zingel from The
Netherlands, GM Perry Zmu-
gg from Austria, GM Hassan
Yaakoubd from Italy, Grandmas-
ter Teo Radut from Romania and
last not least UK Action Star Sil-
vio Simac from the UK.
It was a great afternoon again
and a fantastic workout for all
After a two hours break the eve-
ning Gala started at THE WALD-
HEIM, Munich.