Page 211 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 211
Grandmaster Sifu Serge Seguin
had studied like every year com-
pletely new choreography for his
fantastic lions dance performan-
ce which started due to chinese
habit this 8th Munich Hall of
Then the Waldheim Team ope-
ned the buffet`s for the guests.
At the Munich Hall of Honors
there is always more then one of
these buffets to keep the line of
hungry martial artists as short as
possible. The food at this event
in the meantime is famous the
world over with martial artists.
Everything is gartanteed biologi-
cal and dishes are made fresh. It
is probably the best food served
at any Martial Arts Hall of Fame
in the world, at least Cynthia
Rothrock says and GM Samuel
Kwok agrees with it.
After to main course the first
show part started with the french Now the awards presentation now being handed over to the
star flutist Raphèlle Zanebo- started with introduction of the Inductees of the 8th Munich Hall
ni from Genoble, then GM Teo board of directors of the 2015 of Honours by the honourable
Raduts Karate Demo from Ro- Munich Hall of Honour. Every members of the board.
mania, followed by „Katana ex- Year there is a few new members
treme“ with Pablo Camacho and and and some end their mem- Then there was a break for deli-
Gema Rodriquez from Barcelo- bership, because no more then cious desert and after this, the
na. Then the Wing Chun Legend threee year can anyone be mem- second Show Part started with
Grandmaster Samuel Kwok and ber of this prestigious group, to the spektacular Traditional Tae-
his mixed Team from Aserbai- garantee the absolut indepen- kwon Do Demo from Self Defen-
zan and Germany presented Ip dence of this gremium from po- se Germany Team followed by
Man Wing Chun for the audien- litics whatsoever. So far most of the Lan Lung Wu Shu Xue Yuan
ce with Chis Sau demonstration them opened their own Hall of Demo Team, the Shaolin Team
and a one inch (punch) spearfin- Fame in various countries and from Sifu Christian Kronwinkler
ger! End of show part one was a cities and help to grow the idea with one of the most spektakular
authentic traditional Muay Thai of this kind of gettogether in the Demonstration.
fight Demonstration with Gm big Martial Arts Family because
Hassan Yaakoubd`s Show Team untill only a few years this was Now it was time for the second
from Italy and Thai Chi Demons- absolutly unknown in Europe. part of awards presentations and
tration by the Team from kamp- after it was finished, the Band The first half of awards where „Party Time“ opened the dance