Page 94 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 94


             So I continued.  And it was  nice to have a TKD
             uniform.  Wearing pajamas at 39 would have been
             weird, to say the least.  Moving from white belt to
             yellow, purple, orange, green, brown, red – was a
             great journey.  The toughest part was the minor in-
             juries and twisted body parts.  But I remembered
             my previous experience with an injury and vowed
             to not let that stop me.  Becoming black belt meant
             more than just an achievement, it was a symbol of
             not giving up.  I  developed strong perseverance.
             And I lost fifty pounds going from white belt to
             black.   The black belt testing was the greatest phy-
             sical challenge of my life.  And I was prepared, both
             mentally and physically.  And the result was eupho-
             ric.  I hope to encourage adults to study the martial
             arts. Ignore the naysayers.  I am proof that it can be
             done, IF you have the desire and the will.  I belie-
             ve that I am a better person because of my martial
             arts study.  I am more focused, more flexible, my
             posture is better and by losing so much weight, I’m
             healthier and happier.  And, by the way, now when     John with his Grandmaster Hyun Jin Kim (7th dan)
             I go to sleep, all of my pajamas are black.
                   The John Kerwin Show is unique because it involves Kerwin

             drawing comedy from the studio audience.  No written monologues,
                    cue cards or Teleprompters – the comedy is almost totally

                spontaneous; even the celebrity interviews are done without a

                      pre-interview as the show strives for natural moments

                                        rather than scripted material.

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