Page 31 - Martial Science Magazine Jun/2016 #15
P. 31
dations for herbs, homeopathic remedies and cal level, we are made up of many cells to carry
Bach flower formulas to support in their hea- out our body’s function. These cells also have
ling process. We love these alternative moda- ‘memory’ that we don’t think of. The memory
lities, because they are nature and Energetic of the cell records physical and emotional ex-
medicines that work well together on people periences that happen to us during our lives.
and animals. On an energetic level, it can cause the ener-
gy to be blocked and if gone unchecked, can
Over the years of the Martial Arts, I looked at manifest into imbalances in the body.
how martial artists have abused their bodies.
How their egos go unchecked and the physical Also, the body needs good sources of food to
training is more important than good nutrition. fuel it and to conduct maintenance and repair.
Just the blows they take in kumite, breaking Keep in mind that herbs (even the ones that
or demonstrations can take its toll and lead to season your food) and food, are MEDICINE
permanent injuries. for the body.
How does this play into the Philosophy of So our brain is like a huge computer. It hous-
Body, Mind and Spirit? Have we lost what the es our mind and what we program it to do, will
concept of Honor, Respect and Integrity mean affect how we make choices, good or bad. Our
in the Martial Arts? emotions play a major role on our health. They
secrete chemicals into our bodies. Negative
Our bodies are our vehicles to carry us through emotions can create our bodies to be toxic.
this life. We should honor them as our sacred These toxins can lead to chemical imbalances
temple in which our souls resides. On a physi- which can lead to illness.
...the body needs good sources of food to fuel it and to conduct
maintenance and repair. Keep in mind that herbs
(even the ones that season your food) and food,
are medicine for the body.
JUNE/2016 31