Page 32 - Martial Science Magazine Jun/2016 #15
P. 32
Pay attention to how you react to situations, your higher self and will bring in more love and
people and how you feel about yourself. Your happiness.
thoughts will drive you intentions, your choi-
ces and your relationships with others. Dare to The Healing Art of Reiki was founded in Japan
change that which is not for your best interest. in 1938 by Dr. Mako Usui. Reiki Practionars go
through an attunement during a ritual to set up
Meditation can be one of your best choices to the frequency in their body in order to channel
change your whole being for a more positive the Reiki Energy. Only a Reiki Master Teacher
life. The main purpose of meditation is to get can perform this ceremony. The Practionar
in touch with one’s higher self or God. Throu- channels the life force energy, which is also ca-
gh the practice of meditation, it causes the mind lled, Chi, Ki or Prana, from the source, which is
to get quite and release all thoughts so that the God or the Universe. This energy has an inte-
connection can be made. lligence of its own to heal the body, mind and
spirit. Reiki is unique in that it cannot do any
In doing so, it will relax the mind so that the harm to the patience or Practionar. Another as-
information that you really need to make good pect of Reiki is that, it can be sent to anyone in
choices and create peace of mind can be achie- the world and animals also benefit greatly using
ved. Your mind connection will hook up with this healing system.
your heart and when it does, they will join with