Page 5 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2016 #13
P. 5

them cross the street, I took the packages and  ghout the course of the white belt student pro-
                what they need, so this way I’m able to help  vide the firm foundation for subsequent years
                the needy and I’m better about myself because  and  help in conjunction with other exercises
                I was able to learn the lesson and choose to do  the degree to develop mastery of his own phy-
                good, which is ultimately the most transcen- sical body. Improving as a man in the service
                dental that a man can do in his life.         of humanity.

                The fundamental importance of this exerci-                     Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO
                se lies in the memory training and discover
                through your self-watching your own mistakes                 Martial Science Publications, LLC
                and be able to fix them. A daily practice throu-

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