Page 12 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 12


                                                                      An Aikido Life”

                                                                    HE STAYED FOR 20 YEARS, STUDYING
                                                                    AIKIDO UNDER THE FOUNDER OF AI-
                                                                    KIDO’S  PRIZE STUDENT, MORIHIRO
                                                                    SAITO SENSEI, AND EARNING HIS 5TH
                                                                    DAN BLACK BELT IN AIKIDO, WHICH
                                                                    TAKES 6 YEARS TO COMPLETE.

              Stanley Pranin born July 24,  moved to Japan, living there  Virgil Crank. He continued
              1945, was an American pu-        for  20  years  and  continuing  his  training  in  1963  under
              blisher and editor-in-chief  to publish his journal in Japa-      Isao Takahashi and Richard
              of Aikido Journal (formerly  nese and English. Aiki News  Taylor at the San Pedro
              Aiki News), founded in 1974.  evolved into Aikido Journal,  YMCA, following the Koichi
              Pranin, a researcher and ar-     currently a web publication  Tohei-led curriculum.
              chivist  of  aikido,  has  written  with resources on Aikido,
              and published several books  Daito-ryu and related sub-           Pranin moved to Japan in
              and many articles about aiki- jects.                              August 1977, studying aikido
              do, Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, and                                    under Morihiro Saito in Iwa-
              Morihei Ueshiba and was an  Stanley Pranin succumbed  ma. In May 1978, he inter-
              influential figure in the aikido  to advanced stomach cancer  viewed Kisshomaru Ueshiba
              world.                           on March 7, 2017 in Las Ve-      for the publication of Morihei
                                               gas, NV.                         Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido,
              Pranin originally began prac-                                     his Japanese-language bio-
              ticing  Yoshinkan aikido in  In 1962 Pranin saw an aiki- graphy  of  his  father.  Pranin
              California in 1962, later swit-  do demonstration at his high  interviewed  Ueshiba  more
              ching to Aikikai. During the  school in the San Pedro nei- than ten times, the last in De-
              late 1960s and early 1970s,  ghborhood of Los Angeles,  cember 1996.
              he taught aikido in California.  and in August of that year he
              In 1974, Pranin founded the  began  practicing Yoshinkan  During his 20 years living and
              journal Aiki News; in 1977 he  aikido in Lomita with 2nd Dan  researching in Japan, Pranin

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