Page 6 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 6


                                                     TWO HANDS CLAP MAKING A

                          By Henry Binerfa           SOUND; WHAT IS THE SOUND
                           Martial Science
                         Magazine Director           OF APPLAUSE WITH ONE

                                                     Martial arts have shown that they are more than a set of teach-
                                                     ings for war or fighting. For many it is difficult to understand
                                                     how something as contradictory as teaching the art of war can
                                                     turn a person into someone who loves peace. But undoubted-
                                                     ly martial arts are an instrument of education. An education
                                                     different from those of ordinary schools, but equally effective.
                                                     Perhaps one of the most characteristic ways of his teachings is
                                                     the transmission without words inherited from Buddhism. The
                   “The truth is that some           birth of the Chan or Zen school, which in its beginnings was
                                                     strongly  rooted  in  martial  arts,  began  when  the  Buddha  ex-
               things can not be explained           tended his hand and taught his disciples a lotus flower without
                                                     saying a word. All were confused, did not understand the mes-
                in words, because naming             sage that the Buddha wanted to transmit, only his disciple Ma-

                     them would lose their           hakashyapa smiled, had understood. What had Mahakashyapa
                                                     Today is still a mystery, the scholars have written many versions,
                                                     the truth is that some things can not be explained in words, be-
                                                     cause naming them would lose their essence. The truth is that
                                                     martial arts has many mysteries and sincere students have to
                                                     learn to read between lines, many ancient styles have hidden
                                                     teachings and not precisely super powerful techniques or para-
                                                     lyzing blows. They are small initiation tests that like a thermom-
                                                     eter tell the teacher that student is prepared for the next level.
                                                     Everything in the martial arts has a symbolism, and everything
                                                     aimed at making a man more noble.

                  Martial Science Magazine, Volume 20, ISBN-13: 978-1545094488; ISBN-10: 1545094489,  is Published Bi-monthly, (February,
                         April, June, August, October, and December) by Martial Science Publications LLC., Phone: (702)439-9071
                                          Email: All rights reserved.

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