Page 32 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 32
then tweak those to fit their basic philosophy
and call it Kenpo.
This practice is a fundamental aspect of the
Kenpo arts and derives mainly from one simple
idea. At its’ heart, Kenpo is self-defense for the
masses. This is the most basic thing to unders-
tand about it.
Some arts are for military, or law enforce-
ment, or street toughs, or professional fighters.
However, usually, the people involved in these
activities are young, superb athletes, mentally
dominant, competitive types, and are trained to
the highest level of fitness and skill. More often
than not, this is their main life activity and the
spend hours each day at it.
There are some who practice Kenpo this way as Of course, like many, I am not a professional
well. But mainly, it’s all about self-defense for martial artist. I don’t teach for a living. I am a
the everyday person. We never say to someone, musician and have been my entire life. I work
you can’t defend yourself or your loved ones primarily as a composer, arranger and orches-
because you are not athletic or talented or fier- trator for various shows and for the Symphony.
ce enough. We have to find ways to help such
people defend themselves, not against profes-
sionals, but in real world circumstances. This
is the true heart of the actual physical practice
of Kenpo.
Currently, I study and teach at Tanren Dojo I have often been asked whether there are pa-
( my private dojo in Las rallels between music and martial arts. On the
Vegas. It is attached to my home and is not a surface they seem so different.
commercial school. My students are all long-ti- In fact, there are many parallels and I’ve even
me martial artists who train for the love of the considered doing an article about this some-
art. Some of them have their own dojo and are day. Whether it’s in the deep, complex history,
instructors themselves. Sensei Jose Carricar- the wide range of performance options, the un-
te also teaches Judo and Jujutsu there. We do compromising discipline needed, the joy of the
have some outside people who use the dojo actual practice and performance, the amazing
when they’re in town such as members of the range of people and places you go, or the fact
Cuban National Judo team. that both these arts have been practiced in