Page 33 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 33
every culture in the history of the world since 5. KATAME /KANSETSU WAZA (??/?
the beginning of mankind, the parallels are in- ??) – Grappling (Standing & Ground), Chin
credible to consider and really would require Na, Jujutsu, Kyusho
far more space and time than we have here. 6. BUKI WAZA (???) – Weapons Arts
(Ancient and Modern) KOBUJUTSU (???)
DOJO? 7. KATA (?) & KUMI-EMBU (???) –
Solo & Partner Practice Sequences (Prearran-
I teach my own blend of Kenpo arts which I ged & Spontaneous)
call Ju no Kage Ryu, which translates as 10 8. TAI JUTSU (??) – Body Arts: Phy-
Shadows System. The system consists of 10 fa- sical Conditioning, Healing Arts & Sciences,
cets, the 10 shadows. They are: Nutrition, Ki-Ko
9. SEISHIN SHUYO (????) – Men-
THE TEN ARTS (SHADOWS) tal training, Concentration, Meditation, Mind
States, Strategy
1. TACHI WAZA (???) – Stances, 10. RIAI (??) – integration or Harmony
Body Movement, footwork, Falling or Principles – Combining: Blending All Into
A Unified Whole
2. ATEMI WAZA (???) – Strikes with
All Parts of the Body These ten ‘arts’ are expressed using the va-
3. NAGE WAZA (???) – Throws, rious techniques, strategies and training me-
Takedowns, Lever down, Balance Displace- thods I have experienced over the past 48 yrs.
ment The art is still evolving though and I hope it
4. AIKI WAZA (???) – Blending, Ai- will continue to do so as long as it exists. The
ki-Jujutsu/Kenpo, Pressure Points (Kyusho), main focus for the physical practice is what I
Ki-Ko (??) call Civilian Self-Defense. Our archetypal de-
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