Page 39 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 39

Master Wong,

              Talks about JKD

My vision of JKD Body Weapon is the advancement of my Wing Chun, Tai Chi and military San Shou to
provide an all-out effective street self-defense. If it came with a label it would be “Get the job DONE!”

WHEN DID YOU FIRST START LEARNING for me I had strength and continued to grow and
                                                        overcome my everyday enemy.

I started in Martial Art as I was bullied and lived a   Age Twelve! I thought Life would get better; I was
hard life like many as a youngster. Firstly, I wasn’t   on route to England. This is a good place, I thought
bought up in the western word! I had a hard start in    to myself. I was excited to start school but was sus-
a hard environment. Life started in North Vietnam.      pended straight away for having a huge fight in the
I was fighting every day, for the smallest scraps of    toilet (I won obviously). Apparently the sink was
food. You either fought to eat or you didn’t eat, sur-  for drinking only! I was in a strange place. My life
vival of the fittest.                                   in the UK was already going south by day one.

I am of mixed heritage. My family is Chinese and        To cut the story short… a lot went wrong and I
Vietnamese; in the Northern Vietnam culture this        was expelled from of School at age fifteen… I then
was frowned upon and unacceptable to the com-           found a Master and started my Martial Art journey
munity. People cry about racism and xenophobia          properly.
being bad now, but for me you could easily be ki-       WHAT IS YOUR VISION OF JKD?
lled just for being born. Ultimately my family was      My vision of JKD Body Weapon is the advancement
shunned and eventually my father was extradited         of my Wing Chun, Tai Chi and military San Shou to
for being Chinese and we were forced to leave the       provide an all-out effective street self-defense. If it
country and travelled to the UK among the Vietna-       came with a label it would be “Get the job DONE!”
mese Boat People as refugees.
Around age four to five I was shown a few bits and
pieces to look after myself by the old man who li-
ved next door. I started to protect myself; I started
to come out better in the fights. Not to provide too
much detail, but, if you lost you weren’t just beaten;
you were humiliated, your soul was attacked. Lucky

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