Page 41 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 41

Wing Chun is the foundation of JKD!
Without Wing Chun there would have been no JKD!

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN                         Bruce Lee would practice one kick thousands of
JKD AND WING CHUN?                                     time so he can place his expression into its use. He
                                                       used what worked in the time and place that nee-
Wing Chun is the foundation of JKD! Without            ded it. You express in your own particular way. No
Wing Chun there would have been no JKD! Wi-            one is the same! You are different to me; Bruce Lee
thout the solid foundation of Wing Chun, JKD has       was different to all around him. If you are unable to
no root. JKD is the advancement of Wing Chun!          articulate yourself you have no JKD. It’s as simple
When one becomes an expert in any field they start     as that! Its an expression of mentality, a passion of
to drop away the elements that are holding them        your art. No personality / no JKD!
back, only using the best bits that work for them.
This comes to knowing yourself, your enemy, your       WHY IS FOOTWORK SO IMPORTANT IN
ability and your surrounding. This happens due to      JKD?
a deep-seated instinct of survival, only the stron-
gest survive; those that survive adapt! JKD is the     The lower controls the upper section of the body.
advancement and adaption of ones self!                 If you are aiming a rife is it the shoulder that leads
                                                       or is it the legs that set the angle? Power is genera-
HOW CAN YOU DEFINE JKD?                                ted from the earth and delivered through you. Foo-
                                                       twork is the most important element of any martial
It is Expression! You can’t teach it, you develop it.  art, you must respond fast and effectively so you
Bruce Lee ‘Expressed’ himself, did he not? JKD         can do your business and end the game before it
doesn’t own a punch or a kick; all you have is the     starts.
understanding of so much but you use so little.

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