Page 17 - Martial Science Magazine DIG#29
P. 17
13. everyone claims their visitors feel like family but so many of yours really do feel the brother-
hood. hoW is that possible With such a mix of styles and ranks?
I like people. Genuinely like people. I’m sincerely appreciative that each person
came…each individual person. To quote my mother again, she would always tell
me, “Son, it doesn’t cost anything to be nice.”
The 2019 event is already in preparation. New addition to the Sr GM list, Grand-
master Jung-Doo Han, founder of Hapki-zen, will be in attendance. Also, the Jikimy
Taekgyeon team will be demonstrating with leader Master Jae-Sik Yang. This plus
a few other surprises will be in store for participants in the 13th Korean Martial
Arts Festival next April!
master guy edWard larke has spent most of his life enamored With the fighting arts and their tradi-
tions. they brought him to south korea 18 years ago Where he teaches, researches, Writes and trains.
he has also trained in Japan, the philippines and malaysia. he spends a good deal of his time Writing
for several magazines and translating korean texts into english With his Wife gi-ryung. together they
run kisa-do muye (knights Way martial arts) and marketing. he can be found on facebook or at
OCTOBER/2018 17