Page 16 - Martial Science Magazine DIG#29
P. 16

8. do you have a lot of repeat attendees? What are the reasons for that in your opinion?

              Yes, many repeats.  Many have been 8+ of the 12 years.  I’m told it’s a homecoming
              event.  And that’s awesome, simply awesome.

              9. hoW do you choose your seminar instructors?

              The first event was based on people that I knew or Grand Master Timmerman re-
              commended.  After that, they must have been on the mats with me or a Keynote
              presenter.  I generally attend 4-6 events a year so I’m easy to find.

              10. if a reader felt they Were qualified hoW do they get involved? What should they expect?

              Any martial artist is qualified to attend.  If they wish to instruct, as mentioned
              above, they need to get on the mat with me at a seminar.  Doesn’t have to be KMAF,
              any event.  Then they have to ask themselves what they’ll bring to the table.  This
              has become a bigger event with some very big names.  Most school owners are
              big fish in their own ponds.  At KMAF, it’s a big pond with some very big fish.

              Far warning though, while I’m huge on proper etiquettes and paying respects, I
              bristle at egos and get annoyed at the people with overflowing resumes full of
              empty accolades.  Along with the ridiculous gold uniforms and “honors” they’ve
              nominated themselves for and expensive paper with implausible rank and a skill-
              set that would rival a solid green belt.    Seemingly having no grasp of the ethical
              implications their worthless resumes covey to their students (if they even have
              any), I want to shake them and explain to them that their opinion of themselves
              is of ZERO consequence – it’s what others think of them in which builds a legacy.

              If a presenter agrees to being part of the event and then misses for anything other
              than a family emergency, they’re forever off future instructor list.  They apparently
              don’t respect the other instructors giving of their time and talents.    If a presenter
              forgets they were once a white belt, they’re off the future instructor lists.

              11. do you think Working With so many different masters has affected your oWn training or hoW you
              teach at your oWn school?

              Absolutely!  When I first started teaching, I was eager to get new techniques.  A
              little later in my training and I was looking at concepts.  Now I look at presentation.
              Does the instructor command the floor?  Is everyone engaged or are they looking
              at the clock?  I’m no longer so interested in WHAT they’re teaching rather than
              HOW they’re teaching.

              12. What Would you like to see this event evolve?

              At this point, just more participants.  We’ve considered starting earlier on Friday
              since so many start arriving Thursday.

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