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P. 39


                Why did you start training in Kapap?               What is the difference between Kapap and
                                                                  Krav Maga?
                        Throughout my training in different Martial
                arts I found that Kapap fit me personally better in       Well Kapap was the first doctrine that was
                a combative situation. I still value the traditional   taught to young underground Israeli fighters where
                arts because they gave me a strong foundation and   the state of israel then established the system of
                base, but for me personally Kapap was the art that   Krav Maga came to existence and was created by
                fit me best.  Many of us try to compare styles and   some of the instructors that were originally Kapap
                systems to one another but i find that all systems   instructors. Kapap is still used today in Yamam, anti
                are good.  Each method is a different branch from   terrorist units, border patrol units, some secret ser-
                the same tree just like we as a people are all from   vice and other military special units. Krav Maga and
                the same roots. Some of us might have different   Kapap deals with both empty hands and weapons
                looks, customs, cultures but at the end of the day   but with Kapap you learn to work with the equip-
                we are one.  Kapap offered me the freedom to ex-  ment on you and use the equipment as part of your
                press myself through combat. I was training infor-  body.
                mally for many years wherever I can get it, be it in a
                dojo, kwoon, or in a park.  Moshe and I would train   Why was Kapap so obscure until the late
                frequently after he formed the International Kapap   1980’s?
                association and we would train a lot.  Even though
                it was formally called Kapap, i just approached it as      Once Krav Maga became popular, many
                doing freestyle fighting.                         Israeli instructors were advertising an publicizing
                                                                  the system around the world and teaching out of

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