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What is Chi Sau? Is tween school’s results rivalry of street conflict you must have a
it important? How and animosity which then cause balance of theoretical, and prac-
violence amongst their members tical application. Chi Sau pro-
do you practice Chi when they play at Chi Sau and vides the means to achieve this
Sau? Who has all influences their Wing Chun. There is no fixed pattern of
the answers? Wing Chun is a very violent sys- movements in Chi Sau, and this
tem: it deals with understand- relates it closely to sparring,
In this brief article I shall try to ing the reality of fighting and especially at the highest lev-
give you an insight into Wing learning to cope with situations el. Yet Chi Sau should always
Chun viewed through the prac- where you are faced with a seri- be practiced with control and
tice of Chi Sau and at the same ous physical threat maintained as a separate con-
time erase some misconceptions cept distinct from sparring or
that have developed over the Wing Chun is free fighting, where the aim is to
years. Chi Sau is the heart of dominate your opponent.
Wing Chun, its importance can- a very violent
not be underestimated. Chi Sau system: it deals However it must be realized
allows a practitioner to investi- that blindfold Chi Sau is not
gate technique and use of ener- with understanding the highest level. Once beyond
gy correctly, without the risk of the reality of the blindfold stage of Chi Sau
injury. player should be able to use the
fighting and information from the sensitivity
Too many people use their Chi learning to cope of the arms, together with that
Sau to score points by hitting from the eyes, to give a com-
their training partner. In a ju- with situations plete picture the situation. The
venile way they feel the need where you are faced player can then respond in a rel-
to prove themselves. Quite of- evant and specific way. At the
ten the contact made is far too with a serious highest level, two of equal abili-
heavy and is directed into the physical threat ty, Chi Sau becomes much more
face. This can lead to injuries like a game of chess. There are
because of the lack of control no quick skills, but a prolonged
that is inherent in this method You cannot learn Wing Chun cat and mouse game with each
of practice. An aggressive atti- merely by sole practice of re- player waiting for the first mis-
tude of this kind not only goes hearsed techniques taken from take that allows an unanswered
against philosophy of Kung Fu the forms and by fighting. Chi contact to be made. When prac-
it is also detrimental to the prog- Sau allows the Wing Chun prac- ticed in a relaxed good-humored
ress of the student. It prevents titioner to correct the position atmosphere Chi Sau becomes
them from attaining a relaxed, of techniques from the three more of a social intercourse.
confident and realistic approach forms in a practical setting, to Both players should gain equal-
to fighting and to everyday life. understand the importance of ly from the practice, and avoid
Another sad development is the the elbow, as well as the chang- the hit, for that hitting does noth-
isolation this way of thinking ing requirements of energy and ing to promote the family spirit
has created among Wing Chun strength that are specific in tech- that should be the basis of any
schools. The competition be- niques. To understand the reality Kung Fu school.
JUNE/2018 63