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P. 64

Among the important  factors
          in developing good Chi Sau are,     Essentially Wing Chun is all about correct
          keeping an open mind, and main-       use of energy, understanding the funda-
          taining  an  inquisitive  nature.  If
          you seek the truth, then you must    mentals behind a technique and applying
          also develop the ability to accept                       commonsense.
          it when it is proved to you. This
          article does not give you physical   available  energy, if the energy  where in reality, they would not
          directions,  but  more  of a philo-  requirements exceed the oxygen  have been in the position to do so
          sophical viewpoint so that it can   supply then we get a lactic acid  if the initial technique had been
          be  a  catalyst provoking  discus-  build up i.e. we get tired. There- performed correctly. This is still
          sion rather than a statement to be   fore, if we ration the amount of  true  even when wearing protec-
                                             tension to the bare minimum, we  tive equipment. When striking to
                                             can maximize  the time,  and we  the head, cuts may be avoided but
           The natural differences that oc-  can maintain our fighting capabil- not the internal damage  caused
          cur when two people teach the      ities in a confrontation. To do this  by brain shake at the head impact.
          same theory should not cloud the   you must have an understanding
          issue. The variety of ways that in-  of what happens at the moment   Chi Sau is only a tool to hone your
          structors use to describe their un-  of  impact  when  a  technique  is  fighting  skills.  This  is  achieved
          derstanding of a concept should    applied,  and how tension  is in- not only through the  physical
          be viewed as a broad tapestry      volved in producing the perfect  training of technique, but by dis-
          from which ideas can be shared,    technique                         cussion with your training partner
          and  result  in  a  greater  depth  of                               of the details of a movement and
          knowledge for all.  The childish    It is the theoretical perfection of  how it relates to the principles
          dogmatism “This is right because   the whole system that should be  laid down in Wing Chun. These
          I say so!” has no place logical    sought for through the practical  principles  include straight lines,
          investigation. One fact that can-  investigation that is Chi Sau. As  simplicity, economy of motion,
          not be argued against is, that if   perfection  will  always  remain  never using strength to overcome
          Chi Sau is ineffectual then Wing   elusive, it allows us to continue  strength, how  stance turns,  and
          Chun will  also be ineffectual  at   the search throughout our life- body shifts are incorporated in
          the highest level. Just because an   time, keeping our enthusiasm for  technique, and the use of tension
          experienced aggressive instructor   learning intact. Each new person  and relaxation. All of these  fac-
          can apply a technique on a sub-    with whom you play Chi Sau,  tors must be dealt  with if a full
          missive student does not validate   provides you with new experienc- understanding  of  a  technique  or
          the technique. The correctness of   es and through these a greater un- movement is to be achieved. This
          a  technique  depends  upon  how   derstanding, irrespective of their  is something that must be expe-
          deeply it has  been researched,    level of Wing Chun. The teacher  rienced physically  by a student,
          and how it stands up to the cri-   also learns from the student, it  and not just passed on verbally by
          teria of  Wing Chun theory, and    just depends upon how honest the  the instructor. A student can have
          only then if all possible variations   teacher is with himself.      knowledge  of  how  a  technique
          have been considered
                                                                               works but is only when they have
                                             The  main  difficulty  with  spar- ‘felt” the correct movement and
          Essentially  Wing  Chun is all     ring is, that it does not give a re- energy inside themselves that
          about correct use of energy, un-   alistic view of actual fighting, as  they can be considered  to have
          derstanding  the  fundamentals     you cannot use full energy with  fully understood it.
          behind a technique and applying    your training  partner  in attack-
          common  sense.  When we use        ing techniques. Holding back al-  It is only through the gradual and
          tension, our muscles burn up the
                                             lows your partner to strike back,  systematic progress through Chi

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