Page 37 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 37

“It’s a survival art”...

              “It only takes one

              strike, one slash,

              one thrust. You must

              be offensive.”

              Take an example. The first hit of the drill  “When you’re attacked,” he says, “you have
              known as “Heaven” or the “Upper Six” comes at  angles of entry with which to respond. These
              a diagonal, toward the head, the hands, body  are vertical, horizontal or at 45 degrees. These
              or legs. More specifically, to the temples, col-  lines bisect or intersect. When my stick diffuses
              larbone, elbows, wrists, kidneys, hips, knees  your strike, this means that I grace your line of
              or ankles. The potential for line bisections or  attack, I follow it with mine and counter your
              intersections comes in the form of deflections  force so that I strike and your attack misses the
              or diffusions, the latter using force and trajec-  mark. The footwork is a cornerstone, based on
              tory to advantage for counter-offense. This at- the triangle pattern, which we use to quarter
              tack is very effective, because the mechanics  the opponent and strike.”
              are exactly the same throughout the series of
              motions, the STAPP principles developed to  It all comes back to offense. “It’s always my
              mastery through repetition.                      turn,” says Tuhon Apolo. This doesn’t, he cau-
                                                               tions, mean you won’t get cut. It means you
              These principles include mastery of angles of  have a better chance of being the last person
              attack, bisecting the line, leverage, and ful-   standing.
              crums. Physical science studies matter and its
              motion through space and time, along with  “It’s a survival art,” says Ladra. “It only takes
              energy and force. With his academic back-        one strike, one slash, one thrust. You must be
              ground in engineering, Ladra likes to call him-  offensive.”
              self a combat engineer.

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