Page 39 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2016 #16
P. 39
ted the first tournament, called the “Battle of In mid 70s, to expand his reach, Grandmaster
Detroit,” in 1970 (later to be called “Stars for Dr. Ahmed created both the World Martial Arts
Charity”) that grew into a major international College and the U.S. Tae Kwon Do Han Moo
expo with exhibit hall, tournament and works- Kwan Association. The World Martial Arts Co-
hops incorporating movie stars like Cynthia llege was dedicated to help all martial arts,
Rothrock, Don “the Dragon” Wilson, Michael regardless of system or style, and the U.S.
Jai White and many others who attended to Tae kwon Do Han Moo Kwan was founded to
help raise money for health care and charity. work with and help Tae kwon Do practitioners.
This year funds were raised for The Wounded He provides needed guidance, workshops,
Warriors Project, an organization helping ve- events, school business and marketing as-
terans who have been wounded in the wars. sistance and rank recognition through these
organizations. They have grown quickly. GM
Great Grandmaster Kyo Yoon Lee made se- Ahmed now has many affiliated schools and
veral visits to Michigan, and GM Ahmed was Instructors all over the world. Recently, he
able to train with him. By 2002 GM Ahmed was teamed up with the Martial Arts University and
promoted to 7th dan Kukkiwon and in 2010 the Tai Chi Connection to expand the capabi-
he received the rank of 9th dan from Great lities of bringing digital online instruction and
Grandmaster Kyo Yoon Lee. face-to-face experience to affiliates.
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