Page 44 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2016 #16
P. 44
redness to have met any situation.” Respect nonprofit martial arts/Tae kwon Do schools/
for fellow man, for community, and to always clubs for the disadvantaged.
be in search of a way to lift someone up that
is down. If this was everyone’s philosophy and Donating equipment and other tangible su-
we all acted on it, the world would be a better pport to nonprofit clubs and organizations
place to live. Providing direct training and self-defense to
the communities we serve Integrating Eastern
Grandmaster Dr. Ahmed’s simple philosophy and Western healing to the community.
is the importance of having a clean mind and a
clean spirit; to train the body, mind, and spirit; Participating in the programs that keep the
and to live by this in daily life. The “best fight is young away from drugs. (Like the D.A.R.E.
to have never fought at all but have the prepa- program incorporated at Grand Master Yong
redness to have met any situation.” He stres- Sup Kil’s tournament in Michigan called the
ses respect for fellow man, for community, and Governor’s Cup)
to always be in search of a way to lift someone
up who is down. Dr. Ahmed has had 40 major Expos to benefit
Grandmaster Dr. Ahmed’s real passion is in
philanthropy—charitable giving and voluntee- His next event to help charity is a Bo Workshop
rism. in conjunction with GM David Praim’s Tour-
nament. The tournament called the Ultimate
Dr. Ahmed, together with some medical doc- Warriors Challenge will be held in Lake Orion
tors, created an organization to help the near Detroit, Michigan on October 22, 2016
uninsured throughout the U.S. get access to Grand Master Ahmed and Trace Magellas (a
needed health care. This organization, ZIAD 22 time National and International Bo cham-
Healthcare for the Underserved, was started pion)will be conducting the Bo staff workshops
in 2001 because nearly 46 million Americans, in both Extreme Bo and Bo staff fighting form.
including more than 8 million children, were Martial Artists of all ranks can join in age 10
living without health insurance and were for- and up, Workshops are from 8am to 9:30am
ced to gamble every day that they wouldn’t and you get both workshops for one price of
get sick or injured. In 2013 President Obama only $60. Participants can then compete in the
passed the Affordable Health Care Act and it tournament that follows or just enjoy the ac-
was a natural that GM. Ahmed would bid on tion. Both the Workshops and the Tournament
becoming a navigator for the uninsured. His raise funds for the Make A Wish Foundation
company, Community Bridges, was awarded helping terminal ill children with wishes.
$897,000 in a one-year grant to provide edu-
cation and assistance for the new health care To enroll for these workshops go to:
www.w or ldmar tialar
GM Ahmed believes helping the community world-champion-bo-workshop/
and serving the needy are a must for every
Tae kwon Do practitioner and martial artist to Past events conducted by GM Dr Ahmed have
adopt and teach. Tae kwon Do is something to attracted Hollywood Stars, such Cynthia Ro-
share with community; In its practice, we bene- throck, TJ Storm and Don “the Dragon” Wil-
fit society as a whole. The founders and board son, Michael Jai White, Cary Tagawa, and Dr.
members of the U.S. Tae kwon Do Han Moo John Gray (author of the book Men are from
Kwan Association also understand the impor- Mars and women are from Venus.)
tance of supporting similar activities within the
community. They openly embrace other orga- Grandmaster Dr. Ahmed continues his work
nizations and clubs who share this philosophy. in Martial Arts, teaching, visiting, supporting
They offer our assistance and support ways and working with clubs around the world and
to bring the magnificent art of Tae Kwon Do to will continue to look for opportunities to teach
others. They follow and support these and be- others to help the needy and make a differen-
lieve all Tae kwon Do practitioners should take ce in this world. Information can be found at
on as many as possible for their community:
Creating and supporting nonprofits and