Page 47 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2016 #16
P. 47

philosophies, as well as beliefs   fficult world we live in. Recently
                                               from Shintoism, Buddhism,         there have been developments
                                               etc...                            in a series of modern systems
                                                                                 applied to street or military
                                               In their origins, martial arts    combat. Those systems present
                                               seeks practical efficiency and    simpler programs to achieve
                                               resolution of conflicts as fastly   efficiency in less time, as well as
                                               and consistently as posible, as   to decrease the time a student
                                               well as developing an ability     needs to face a possible real ag-
                                               that will no doubt take time to   gression, since these programs
                                               achieve, but will be reached with  are designed to teach security
                                               time and perseverance. That       and military personel.
                                               said, each person must use their
                                               own personal tools. Once we’ve    Hakuda Jutsu also shares this
                                               achieved this. Is this all? Is our   vision that the student should
                                               training finished? Nothing far    learn the biggest number of
                                               from reality It has just begun.   skills in as little time as possi-
                                                                                 ble, since personal defense is
                                               Martial arts are much more        our main goal and you never
                                               than they appear, since they not  know when you might need
                  he main purpose of           only teach to win a combat, but   them.
            Tmartial arts is efficiency        also overcome our more difficult
             during combat.                    struggles in life.                However, we must not over-
                                                                                 look the development of other
             In fact, this was the original re-  A correct personal defense does   atributes, such as ethical and
             ason for its creation. However,    not have to be just physical,    philosophical ones, wich I per-
             martial arts were influenced by   but also psychological, even      sonally consider as necessary as
             those cultures where they origi-  spiritual, in order to face life’s   the other ones, since they repre-
             nated and impregnated by their    obstacles to survive in this di-  sent the other half of the same

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