Page 52 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2016 #16
P. 52

and were utterly destroyed. In  will be difficult, and there won’t  “Very well, my friend,” he said,
             contrast, men who clung to  be  enough  grass  for  the  oxen.  “please go first.”
             the truth not only survived, but  Either he or I must go first.”
             actually prospered in that same                                    “I will,” said the foolish merchant,
             wilderness.”                     “Look,”  he  said  to  the  other  and he yoked his carts and set
                                              merchant, “the two of us can’t  out. After a while  he came  to
             Anathapindika     raised    his travel  together.  Would  you  the outskirts of a wilderness. He
             clasped hands to his forehead,  rather  go  first  or  follow  after  filled  all  of  his  huge  water  jars
             praised the Buddha, and asked  me?”                                with water before setting out
             him to tell that story of the past.                                to cross the sixty yojanas [2] of
                                              The  foolish  trader  thought,  desert which lay before him.
             “In  order  to  dispel  the  world’s  “There will be many advantages
             ignorance  and  to  conquer  if I take the lead. I’ll get a road  The yakkha who haunted that
             suffering,”    the     Buddha which is not yet cut up. My  wilderness  had  been  watching
             proclaimed, “I practiced the Ten  oxen will  have the  pick of the  the caravan. When it had
             Perfections for countless aeons.  grass. My men will get the  reached the middle, he used
             Listen carefully, and I will speak.”  choicest wild herbs for curry.  his magic power to conjure
                                              The water will be undisturbed.  up a lovely carriage drawn by
             Having their full attention, the  Best of all, I’ll be able to fix my  pure white young bulls. With
             Buddha made clear, as though  own price for bartering my  a retinue of a dozen disguised
             he were releasing the full moon  goods.” Considering all these  yakkhas carrying swords and
             from  behind  clouds,  what  advantages, he said, “I will go  shields, he rode along in his
             rebirth  had  concealed  from  ahead of you, my friend.”           carriage like a mighty lord. His
             them.                                                              hair and clothes were wet, and
                                              The Bodhisatta was pleased to  he had a wreath of blue lotuses
             Long,    long    ago,     when hear this because he saw many  and white water lilies around
             Brahmadatta     was    reigning  advantages  in  following  after.  his head. His attendants also
             in Baranasi, the Bodhisatta  He reasoned, “Those carts going  were dripping wet and draped
             was born into a merchant’s  first  will  level  the  road  where  in garlands. Even the bulls’
             family and grew up to be a  it is rough, and I’ll be able to  hooves and carriage wheels
             wise trader. At the same time,  travel along the road they have  were muddy.
             in  the  same  city,  there  was  already smoothed. Their oxen
             another merchant, a very stupid  will graze off the coarse old  As the wind was blowing from
             fellow, with no common sense  grass, and mine will pasture on  the front, the merchant was
             whatsoever.                      the sweet young growth which  riding at the head of his caravan
             One  day  it  so  happened  that  will spring  up in  its place.  My  to escape the dust. The yakkha
             the two merchants each loaded  men will find fresh sweet herbs  drew his carriage  beside the
             five  hundred  carts  with  costly  for curry where the old ones  merchant’s  and  greeted  him
             wares of Baranasi and prepared  have been picked. Where there  kindly. The merchant returned
             to leave in the same direction  is no water, the first caravan will  the greeting and moved his own
             at  exactly  the  same  time.  The  have to dig to supply themselves,  carriage to one side to allow the
             wise merchant thought, “If  and we’ll be able to drink at the  carts to pass while he and the
             this silly young fool travels  wells they have dug. Haggling  yakkha chatted.
             with me and if our thousand  over prices is tiring work; he’ll
             carts stay together, it will be  do the work, and I will be able to  “We are on our way from
             too much for the road. Finding  barter my wares at prices he has  Baranasi,  sir,”  explained  the
             wood and water for the men  already fixed.”                        merchant. “I see that your men

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