Page 54 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2016 #16
P. 54

“We have just been told by some  throwing away a drop of water!” the Buddha had expounded the
             strangers that it is raining in the                                Four Truths, those five hundred
             forest just ahead. How far does  Just as the merchant had  disciples were established in the
             a rain-wind carry?”              predicted, his caravan soon  Fruit of the First Path.
                                              came  upon  the  five  hundred
             “A yojana, sir.”                 carts with the skeletons of  The  Buddha  concluded  his
                                              men and oxen strewn in every  lesson by identifying the Birth
             “Has any man here seen the top  direction. He ordered his men  as follows: “The foolish young
             of even a single storm-cloud?”   to arrange his carts in a fortified  merchant  was  Devadatta,  [4]
                                              circle, to take care of the oxen,  and his men were Devadatta’s
             “No, sir.”                       and to prepare an early supper  followers. The wise merchant’s
                                              for themselves. After the animals  men were the followers of the
             “How far off can you see a flash  and men had all safely bedded  Buddha, and I myself was that
             of lightning?”                   down, the merchant and his  wise merchant.”
                                              foremen, swords in hand, stood
             “Four or five yojanas, sir.”     guard all through the night.      ............................................................

             “Has any man here seen a flash  At daybreak the merchant
             of lightning?”                   replaced his own weak carts for
                                              stronger ones and exchanged
             “No, sir.”                       his own common goods for the
                                              most costly of the abandoned
             “How far off can a man hear a  merchandise.  When  he  arrived
             peal of thunder?”                at his destination, he was able
                                              to barter his stock of wares at
             “Two or three yojanas, sir.”     two  or  three  times  their  value.
                                              He  returned  to  his  own  city
             “Has any man here heard a peal  without losing a single man out
             of thunder?”                     of all his company.

             “No, sir.”                       This story ended, the Buddha
                                              said, “Thus it was, laymen, that  Notes:
             “Those were not men, but  in times past, the foolish came          1. The Uposatha is the full, new, and
             yakkhas,” the wise merchant  to utter destruction, while those     half-moon days, when many Buddhists
             told his men. “They are hoping  who clung to the truth escaped     observe the Eight Precepts.
             that we will throw away our  from the yakkhas’ hands,              2. Yojana: a unit of distance, about seven
             water. Then, when we are weak  reached their goal in safety, and   miles.
             and faint, they will return to  returned to their homes again.
             devour us. Since the young  “This  clinging  to  the  truth  not   3. The Realm of Brahma refers to the
             merchant who went before us  only endows happiness even            highest heavens, where beings enjoy
             was not a man of good sense,  up to rebirth in the Realm of  radiant bliss.
             most likely he was fooled by  Brahma, [3] but also leads
             them. We may expect to find his  ultimately    to    Arahatship.   4. Devadatta was a cousin of the Buddha.
             carts standing just as they were  Following    untruth    entails  He tried to kill the Master several times,
             first  loaded.  We  will  probably  rebirth either in the four states   but always failed.
             see them today. Press on with  of punishment or in the lowest
             all  possible  speed,  without  conditions of mankind.” After

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