Page 25 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2016 #18
P. 25

Gregor J. Huss                   One of the fastest                What is Fight Back?
                                              growing German Self De-
             started Martial Arts in 1967 with   fense Programs                 The Program includes many join
             Legendary  Grandmaster  Kwon,                                      locks  and  throws,  but  also  a
             Jae Hwa in Munich Germany. In    In 2004 he began to develop his   large  number  of  kicks,  punches
             1996-98 he lead his first Taekwon   own Style of Self Defense which   and  handstrikes.  What  makes  it
             Do school for his teacher Grand-  he called FIGHT BACK PROGRAM,    attractive to many people in Ger-
             master  Michel  Märkl  (+  3.2007)   firstly only as a special program   many is not only the effectivness
             in  Kufstein,  Austria  an  then  in   of woman self defense, but soon   and  reality  based  approach  but
             1999 started his first own school   as a reality based program for all   also  the  fact,  that  Founder  Gre-
             in  Landsberg  a.  Lech,  Germany.   sex and age 12 years and up. He   gor Huss is present in Germany
             In 1996 he had met Master Joe    introduced  his  biographical  as-  and easy to reach 24 hours a day
             Schneeweis  in  Safety  Harbour.   pects and some 40 years experi-  to  support  his  member  schools
             Florida,  who  introduced  him  to   ence in the arts into his program   and instructors in both, technical
             GM  John  Pellegrini’s  Combat   to make it not only easy to learn   questions  but  also  in  business
             Hapkido.                         but also very effective.          advises.

             He  liked  this  at  the  time  unique   Over  the  years  it  became  more   Weekly  Seminars  in  all  parts  of
             approach  in  selfdefense  and   and more popular and within the   Germany as well as at his Head-
             brought Combat Hapkido to Ger-   last 24 month some 14 different   quarter  in  Munich  give  Instruc-
             many  in  2000  when  he  signed   locations  in  Germany  are  now   tors  and  Students  to  possiblity
             with GM P. . In the following years   teaching  the  FIGHT  BACK  PRO-  to  advance  their  knowledge  and
             he tested more than 30 Students   GRAM and made it to one of the   train with the founder. His unique
             to Black Belts and beyond.       fastest  growing  Germany  based   methods  of  teaching  are  very
                                              Self Defense Program’s.           popular.

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