Page 30 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2016 #18
P. 30

At  Ageless  Kara-     into  action-packed  are      strategically
              te  our  goal  is  to  curriculums     that  designed  to  help
              provide  the  most  help  children  build  adults and families
              comprehensive,  skills that they can  get  in  better  sha-
              age-specific  Mar-     apply  into  every  pe while building a
              tial  Arts  training  area  of  their  life.  solid  foundation  in
              available  on  the  This  means  chil-       skills  and  abilities
              market today!.         dren ages 3 and up  associated         with
                                     will have a blast in  Martial Arts.
              Our Children’s Pro-    their  Martial  Arts
              gram  include  an  classes  while  lear-
              International evolu-   ning valuable skills
              tion of Martial Arts,  that  enable  them
              fitness  and  edu-     to be the best they
              cational    training  can possibly be.
              that  targets  the
              age-specific  needs  We  also  provide
              in children.           cutting-edge     fa-
                                     mily  /  adult  /  teen
              We’ve  taken  the  training  programs:
              coolest  parts  of  Youth/Teen,  Fami-
              Martial Arts from a  ly Martial Arts and
              variety of styles and  Brazilian   Jiujitsu.
              combined       them  All  three  programs

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