Page 57 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2016 #18
P. 57

Fu-Shih Kenpo

             FU-SHIH, Chinese termino- any act of offense or attack,  ly and according to the dan-
             logy that describes the most  but that does not mean that  gerousness of the opponent,
             innovative, adaptable, func- we have authority  to cause  have  certain  applications  of
             tional and effective system of  serious injury or even kill an  reduction,  control  and  even
             current  TEACHING and that  adversary.                             the  most  effective  coun-
             is located within the Triangle,                                    ter-offensive maneuvers.
             three specific points that tra- How is it possible to build an
             ce the path towards the own  effective and energetic coun-         It is also of vital importance
             formation, realization and  terattack, without causing se-         in Kenpo Fu-Shih the knowle-
             harmony of the individual with  rious injury to an opponent?       dge and mastery of the vital
             their environment. FU = Tiger                                      points and nerve centers  of
             (Japanese = man, Chinese =  Kenpo           Fu-Shih     basically the human body.
             strength,) and SHIH = Spirit  analyzes the 8 Evasion and
             or Energy (Teacher, School,  Escape  angles “OCTAGE”,  For this, it is also necessary
             Teaching, Instructor).           from which a disciple of the  the hardening of the palm of
                                              system can safely evade any  the hand, using classic orien-
             In conclusion Kenpo-Karate  possible attack without es-            tal and modern methods
             Fu-Shih means;  “Law of Fist  tablishing contact with his  that allow to develop streng-
             and Empty Hands in Conjunc- opponent. These are the fun- th, hardness and resistance
             tion to Instruct and Develop  damental techniques of  “No  throughout the palm and fin-
             the Force and Spirit of the Ti-  Violence”, which subsequent-      gers. Without this quality the
             ger.” Kenpo-Kárate Fu-Shih,
             is technically composed of li-
             near and circular movements
             conjugated in different direc-
             tions and senses in order to
             obtain a high command and
             ability  in  all  the  physical  an-
             gles, spreading Intermittent
             Energy in crushing, fluid and
             continuous movements. For
             this company Fu-Shih appeals
             to all the senses and physical
             and  mental  resources.  Fu-
             Shih is always advancing in
             the construction of a defen-
             sive technique for the deve-
             lopment of a natural, decisive
             and coordinated counterat-
             tack. A total concentration is
             necessary, with penetrating
             gaze and deep breathing. We
             must prepare ourselves to be
             able to respond effectively to
                  Soke Raul Gutierrez Lopez 10
                   Dan Founder Fu shih Kenpo
                and sensei Krzysztof Adamczyk

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