Page 58 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2016 #18
P. 58

sensei Monica Burgio,sensei Luigi Buccioli techniks Direc-
              tor FSK Italia,sensei Krzysztof Adamczyk FSK Poland and   Personal
              Sensei Mario P.del Frosno director and instructor  Club 78   Defense
              Spania Alcorcón ,Madrid.                              (Katas)
             use of techniques applied in     of the system. And the third
             pressure, grip or percussion     aspect of Kenpo Fu-Shih is
             would be harmful.
                                              the specific training program
                                              for amateur or professional
                                              sports encounters.
             The program gathers all  the     Together, the entire system
             necessary ingredients to ob-     involves studies, research
             tain and embrace the physi-      and trainings that include:
             cal, mental and spiritual terms
             and requirements that every      - Anatomy and Physiology of
             Martial Artist must cultivate.
                                              the Human Body.
                                              - Zen Philosophy.
             The program first includes the   - Yoga.
             Kosho-Ryu  Kenpo Traditional     - Breathing and Vital Energy.
             Forms of the Mitose family,      - Management of traditional
             their history, philosophy and    and natural weapons.
             lineage of Kosho-Kenpo tea-      - Fighting
             chers.  Second  is  developed    - Others...
             a whole method of Personal
             Defense to Empty Hands, or       “I  never  underestimate  my
             with  Weapons. Techniques        opponent, but I never  unde-
             that later give rise to Forms of
                                              restimate my talents.”

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