Page 15 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 15
of Katori-shinto ryu since a boy. He was good At what age Meifu Shinkage Ryu should be star-
at not only Shuriken but also Kenjutsu. He was ted?
a man of character, and the plaster saint. On
the other hand, he was absorbed in Shuriken It was 1960’s. Someya Sensei became inde-
jutsu and the research of other arms until his pendent as a general practitioner in that time,
last years. He was my irreplaceable teacher. and MSR was originated at the same time. It
is difficult to point out an accurate ye
You have been one of his students and are his suc-
cessor since 1999. When did you meet Someya Texts and photos courtesy of:
Sensei? Soke Otsuka Yasuyuki
At first, I met his book at the book store in my
hometown. I founded his book “Shuriken Jut-
su Nyumon” in 1980. His writing was almost
the same as Shuriken jutsu that I had been
doing in my own style. I was surprised very
much, and had admiration in him. There were
various circumstances, and I was not good to
enter MSR at once. It was 1985, that I finally
became the formal student of Someya sensei.
What was the training like?
In the first half of the class, we do Shuriken
practice. Each one practices Shuriken jutsu
toward the target. In Shuriken jutsu, the prac-
tice is done by an individual unit.
And the latter half of the class we do Fundo
Kusari jutsu. That is a training of basic ope-
ration of Kusari and doing Kata. Practice of
Fundo Kusari is done by all students together.
Did you also study other styles?
About Shuriken jutsu, I have had the exchange
with some other Shuriken groups or schools.
However, I have not entered the Shuriken
schools other than MSR.
About other Budo than Shuriken jutsu, in high
school, I have learned Kendo, and my father
teach me old style Karate when I was a boy.
But, they are fairly things of the past.
FEBRUARY/2014 15