Page 19 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 19
not only many problems but all problems. Rev. Chan zhi shakya wrote me once,
And what about the digits? What about the “people think that empty means ‘nothing’
zero [0]? What about the empty set? Isn’t but it means everything in a spiritual
it necessary to understand the empty set context. To be empty doesn’t mean to
to then get the concept of other digits: 1, have nothing, it means to be devoid if the
2, 3, 4… 9? identification with ego. So when we empty
ourselves, we fill up with the universe ...
With everything. We recognize that we
are like a hologram in which every point in
the universe contains every other point in
it - a transcendental experience difficult
to convey in words...” Then i understood
what he really meant.
So it came to my mind... Isn’t that what
i was doing all my life with those school
children? To make them realize what the
empty set is?
I knew in that moment the meaning of
empty cloud. I knew that we have to be
empty to really understand what full
is. Empty of hate, empty of love, empty
of evil and empty of goodness, empty of
attachment and empty of detachment,
empty, empty, empty. And then we can be
in perfect control and can decide what our
life will be. How, when, where… with what
are we are going to fill it?… We will be able
to understand the law of causality and to
do what is correct for us. There won’t be
any more wrong consequences; we will live
in nirvana.
As we can see and understand, the
importance of the general number idea
cannot be overemphasized. We need to
know math to function in the world, but
to function in reality, to be in peace, to
understand the relationship of man with
the universe and of man with other human
beings, it is totally necessary to know zen.
I cannot emphasize enough the importance
of zen. In hsu yun’s words, “the importance
of zen cannot be overemphasized!”
Wishing you the divine peace,
FEBRUARY/2014 19